Friday, August 5, 2016

August 5, 2015

I started out the day early and went Pokeman Go walking (AKA Pokewalking) with the husband. We just did a 530 meter circuit around the park that has 5 Pokestops in it. It was a good way of starting off the day.

From there I hung out for a while waiting to leave to get my car to get stuff installed, but I got busy writing to a client of mine in prison (I'm the only one who would contact him for a while, including his whole family). Between that, suddenly being inspired to do plots, and trying to install the wireless printer, I decided to reschedule the car work.

Next I hit the gym, blasting my arms and shoulders such that I went to go to the last move - three sets of 10 pushups and my arms just gave up like, "NOPE." So, I decided to call it a day, do the sweaty work of moving my LARP stuff into my car, and then shower.

I was able to sit down for a couple of hours and cool off. Husband came home and kissed on me, and then I went to the bank to kiss on the husband. I do love me some husband.

From there I picked up Courtinie and headed out to Kingdoms of Novitas. Tonight I've played a bandit who took a neglected baby (therapeutic crying included!), a silly high fae, a skeleton, and 20 of 100 orcs.

Now I'm tired... and I feel like this is boring. Being entertaining isn't the point of this practice, of course, but... whatever. Gonna hang with the guys and then sleep. Night night!

Daily Rating: 8/10

To Do:

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