Thursday, August 4, 2016

August 4, 2016

Back to starting the day early! Almost convinced the hubs to come with me to the gym, but he opted to join me in the mornings some other time.  Did legs and butt 100% and muscles are less sore.

After showering and getting semi-ready (enough to get a good amount of likes on Facebook for a selfie!) I joined the hubs for a doc appointment. He's green lit for gastric bypass as far as the doc is concerned. Now we just have to wait for the bariatric doc to take him on.

Went to work. First client was late, second client didn't show at all, and third was early! The first was a teenage boy dealing with anger problems and the last was a preteen boy dealing with anxiety. I feel bad for both of them but I think I can help. After talking with a co-worker, I'm convinced I need to work 1.5 jobs. The private practice isn't going to be enough.

Wasted more time at the auto dealership while they ran around trying to track down my passport. We did figure out who called me about it but they weren't there. I'll be there tomorrow to install my remote starter so they'll try to get their act together then.

Got home and got Harley'd up for Suicide Squad early viewing with Ryan and Katie. Alex really has a thing for when I dress up, so I'm going to go fulfill my wifely destiny. Night night, diary land!

Daily Rating: 9/10

To Do:
-make the dudes give me my passport
-write and print plots
-pack car for LARP

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