Friday, August 5, 2016
August 5, 2015
From there I hung out for a while waiting to leave to get my car to get stuff installed, but I got busy writing to a client of mine in prison (I'm the only one who would contact him for a while, including his whole family). Between that, suddenly being inspired to do plots, and trying to install the wireless printer, I decided to reschedule the car work.
Next I hit the gym, blasting my arms and shoulders such that I went to go to the last move - three sets of 10 pushups and my arms just gave up like, "NOPE." So, I decided to call it a day, do the sweaty work of moving my LARP stuff into my car, and then shower.
I was able to sit down for a couple of hours and cool off. Husband came home and kissed on me, and then I went to the bank to kiss on the husband. I do love me some husband.
From there I picked up Courtinie and headed out to Kingdoms of Novitas. Tonight I've played a bandit who took a neglected baby (therapeutic crying included!), a silly high fae, a skeleton, and 20 of 100 orcs.
Now I'm tired... and I feel like this is boring. Being entertaining isn't the point of this practice, of course, but... whatever. Gonna hang with the guys and then sleep. Night night!
Daily Rating: 8/10
To Do:
Thursday, August 4, 2016
August 4, 2016
After showering and getting semi-ready (enough to get a good amount of likes on Facebook for a selfie!) I joined the hubs for a doc appointment. He's green lit for gastric bypass as far as the doc is concerned. Now we just have to wait for the bariatric doc to take him on.
Went to work. First client was late, second client didn't show at all, and third was early! The first was a teenage boy dealing with anger problems and the last was a preteen boy dealing with anxiety. I feel bad for both of them but I think I can help. After talking with a co-worker, I'm convinced I need to work 1.5 jobs. The private practice isn't going to be enough.
Wasted more time at the auto dealership while they ran around trying to track down my passport. We did figure out who called me about it but they weren't there. I'll be there tomorrow to install my remote starter so they'll try to get their act together then.
Got home and got Harley'd up for Suicide Squad early viewing with Ryan and Katie. Alex really has a thing for when I dress up, so I'm going to go fulfill my wifely destiny. Night night, diary land!
Daily Rating: 9/10
To Do:
-make the dudes give me my passport
-write and print plots
-pack car for LARP
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
August 3, 2016
Day started later than usual. I thought it was time for an intensive, benadryl-induced sleep since I will be sleep deprived this weekend (no, I don't care that it "technically doesn't work that way" but thanks anyway). I went to the gym with my friend and found it to be in a blackout though some of the cardio machines worked. I sweated like a whore in church for 15 minutes on the arc trainer, then did ab work. The power came back on in the meantime and I got a free bottle of water because there was no way for me to get water otherwise! Super exciting stuff, I know.
Anyway, I retrieved our maid who did a spectacular job of cleaning up the wreckage of our house, and then picked up Courtinie and headed to work. At work I called a few people, confirmed I didn't fuck up by forgetting to be at work at 8 AM (that's next week) and made a new appointment. Oh, I also had to deal with the car dealership because I had to hand in my title to the old car and then ask about the passport I left in the glove box, which took them entirely too long to track down so I made an appointment to get my remote starter installed on Friday and then left. I'll get the passport some other time.
From work I went to fighter practice in Oneida, thinking the whole time, "Why the hell are we going to Oneida?" I got some good fighting in, but I also hurt my feet due to my boots being pretty much done for useful wear. I also hit the back of my head on the ground which was stupid but I recovered quickly. We'll return to practices in Syracuse next week, which is a relief.
I got a call from the other work place. It'll likely be less money than my previous job but the hours will be better and I'll get to moonlight at the private practice, making bank, but also working 12 hours a day for at least 3 nights.
Day ended kind of sour because I found myself getting annoyed at my husband for not dealing with things very well, resulting in our dogs not being taken care of since I left the house at 3:30 PM. I came home at 10. They hadn't been fed or ran out despite my thinking I had clearly communicated when I had left for work. He was apparently deliriously tired and not thinking which just got me further annoyed because I feel like he's staying up late on purpose. Still, I love him and I don't enjoy being mad at him. He came to cuddle me while I started writing this, so I'm not really annoyed any more but we need to communicate better or something. I didn't know how he had been feeling throughout the day. Maybe that might have helped. I don't know. I feel like our communication is all off lately. Like, first it's cool for me to quit my job, then it's cool for me to take the private practice job, and now it's working two jobs and I don't know... I feel like we're on completely different wavelengths sometimes, but really only around money. I can't care about our money situation and it's number one for him which is a problem. I know people get divorced for this kind of thing, but Alex assures me he's in this for the long haul so... I guess we'll figure it out.
Whew. Didn't know I was going to go that deep into it but I guess if I can't do that in a diary, when and where can I, right?
Daily Rating: 7/10
To Do:
-retrieve passport from dealership
-write plots, give Kyle half
-buy rolling tote
-call in deposit to schedule tattoo
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
August 2, 2016
Ate well besides the meal out and a bit of cheese.
-bring car title to dealership
-retrieve passport from dealership
-write plots, give Kyle half
-pack LARP stuff, set aside fighter practice stuff
Monday, August 1, 2016
August 1, 2016
I left the house at 9:40 as he was going to work and headed over to my evaluation appointment at Oswego Hospital Behavioral Services Division. It was pretty dead in there, which is fine for me. I did some Pokemo Go-ing and charged up my phone when I wasn't doing paperwork, which it turns out I did before anyway.
Megan was nice enough. I think my clients have talked about her before, but I didn't mind her at all. Part of me wanted to request Alan, who did my emergency appointment, but I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of that and there was nothing wrong with her. She asked me questions about my life and childhood. I felt like crying several times because, as some of you know, my childhood wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. I mean, it wasn't all bad either but the bad parts were... well, pretty damn bad. I finally did cry when I was talking about my mother's anger problem and how that affected me and my reservations about having children. I have two more evaluation appointments to go to and the next one isn't scheduled for 3 weeks. I think I should be fine. My mental health symptoms are greatly reduced and my thoughts about death and dying are just passing thoughts as opposed to plans.
I came home to charge up my phone again and wait to see if my friend wanted to go to the gym with me, but he just woken up and I was raring to go, so I went on my own. It was legs and butt day and boy do I feel it. Did every exercise 100%.
I also messaged a tattoo artist about a water color semi-colon butterfly tattoo which will run be about $75. I want to get this in October. My friends have used this guy and recommend him, but he's out in New York Mills. Shouldn't be a problem if I schedule everything right. I need to get him a deposit.
After that I showered, got presentable, and headed to the first day of my new job for orientation at 3:00 PM. The orientation was boring, as one might expect, but I was excited to get started. After the formal part was over I got to call the referral list and viola! I have four clients between this week and next Monday. The financial end of this has got me a bit stressed. I won't be getting paid until the end of the month because of the nature of private practice and insurance payouts, but my husband doesn't seem worried so I'm trying to relax.
It was nice to see Alex after work, as we pulled into the driveway about the same time and we got to smooch and catch up a bit. Now I'm in my air conditioned room, relieved of my clothing, trying to cool down. Summer is not my favorite. I dislike being overly hot from low-level exertion. If I'm working out, that's one thing. If I'm walking around and sweating, we have a problem.
I am trying to eat clean at 80/20 for two weeks, which is going alright for just starting. I prepped salads for the week, green smoothies for a snack, and I have tons of fruits for munching on. I had an apple, a banana, and a good helping of delicious raspberries today along with my two salads, my morning veggie scramble, and coffee with half-and-half. The only thing that wasn't part of the plan was the cheese I just gorged on. No problems. The plan allows for this kind of a thing 20% of the time.
Anyway, the rest of the day should be pretty chill. I'm already feeling a bit sleepy so maybe I'll catch an early bedtime. Then again, maybe I'll play video games for a few hours. We'll see.
Daily Rating: 7/10
To Do:
-makeup list for Kat
-Lore spreadsheet
-XP to Maggie
-find car title to bring to dealership
-retrieve passport from dealership
-call mom